
Showing posts from December, 2015

Purpose of Data Analysis, understanding the data

1.       Understanding the Data v What  are  variables? v What  are  the  constants?                 v (Chances  of constants are very less but there can be; variables are required v actually) 2.      To Determine the Level of Measurement v What level is there; nominal/ordinal/interval or ratio. 3.      To Try to Find out Variables of Interest 4.      Distributions

Three Methods of Identifying skewness, histogram, value of skewness, relationship of mean median and mode

Three Methods of Identifying Skewness 1. By looking at histogram and normal curve 2. By looking at the value of skewness (skewness must be zero for normal distribution, negative for negatively skewed and positive for positively skewed) 3. Relationship between mean, mode and median.

types of kurtosis, leptokurtic, mesokurtic, platykurtic

 KURTOSIS PEAKEDNESS OF A DISTRIBUTION LEPTOKURTIC:  high and thin MESOKURTIC:  normal in shape PLATYKURTIC:  flat and spread out   •   KURTOSIS measures how peaked the histogram is •   The KURTOSIS of a NORMAL DISTRIBUTION is 0 •   KURTOSIS characterizes the relative PEAKEDNESS or FLATNESS of a distribution compared to the normal distribution.  PLATYKURTIC When the kurtosis < 0, the frequencies throughout the curve are closer to be equal (i.e., the curve is more flat and wide). Thus, negative kurtosis indicates a relatively flat distribution. LEPTOKURTIC When the kurtosis > 0, there are high frequencies in only a small part of the curve (i.e, the curve is more peaked). Thus, positive kurtosis indicates a relatively peaked distribution  •   KURTOSIS is based on the size of a distribution's tails. •   NEGATIVE kurtosis (PLATYKURTIC) - distributions with short tails •   POSITIVE kurtosis (LEPTOKURTIC) - distributions with relatively long tails MESOKURTI

Types of skewness, mean median mode, negatively skewed, symmetric, positively skewed

 SKEWNESS Skewness measures the degree of asymmetry exhibited by the data If SKEWNESS equals zero, the histogram is SYMMETRIC about the mean -  Absence of symmetry -  Extreme values in one side of a distribution.

Levels of Measurement, identification chart

Levels of Measurement 1. Classification 2. Order (class position; 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.) 3. Equal Intervals (exactly equal; inch, cm kg etc. reproduce able) 4. True Zero    

what is degree of Freedom?

Degree of Freedom: Out of four values three (n − 1) have freedom; we can change their value to get the same mean. Mean is insensitive for individual value −−−− Along with this measure of dispersion is used. Range:    Inter quartile range Range:    Semi-Inter quartile range Range:    Standard Deviation

what are the measure of central tendency? mean, median, mode

WHAT ARE THE MEASURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCY? Mean, Mode and Median Levels and central tendencies are very much related. If the level of measurement is nominal then central tendency will be only mode. For ordinal level median will be used. Level : What is the mean of 10, 20, 30 and 40? Answer: 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 = 100 Mean = 100 ÷ 4 =25 Median: The central value of data is called median; For example a set of values is  10,12,14,16,18,20,22 the central vale 16 is median. Note: If a set may be consist on even numbers like as 2 4 6 8 10 12 the central two value collect and divided by two For example the above set 6, 8 are two central vales 6+8 = 14 ..... 14/2 = 7 The number 7 is Median. Mode: The most frequent value is called MODE. In a set the frequent vale is always mode for example a set of data is consist 2,4,4,6,7,8,9 the most frequent value 4 is mode. NOTE: Some time two combine vale may be mode in this situation collect both values and divided by two like as 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 8, 10 In th

four levels of measurement of social realities, examples

FOUR LEVELS OF MEASUREMENT OF SOCIAL REALITIES 1.   NOMINAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT: Classification (on the base of some attribute) Example; male & female etc. We just clssify. 2.   ORDINAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT: Not only classify but order it too. Ordering; classification & ordering 3.   INTERVAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT: Yardstick; divided into equal intervals. Equal intervals are very important (Note that 1st, 2nd & 3rd are not intervals but the order) 4.   RATIO LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT: True zero concept

What is valid knowledge?

Research is adding to the pre-existing knowledge. Empirical: experienced with own senses. Knowledge is refutable; Science gave this idea first time. Valid knowledge is the knowledge which is observable with a claim of refutable. Objective knowledge; the knowledge which is verifiable. According to Taha Alwani; there are two resources of knowledge; word of God & world of God.

December Jobs in Health Department Bhakkar ,Medical Officers


Lion Attack on Elephant

Lion vs. Elephant- Real Fight- Animal Fights 2015 by WildAnimalsss

Other Time Management Tips, time management in technical training centre’s Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature Page 12

Other Time Management Tips When you're faced with a pile of things to do, go through them quickly and make a list of what needs doing and when. After this handle each piece of paper only once. Do not under any circumstances pick up a job, do a bit of it, and then put it back on the pile. Do not start lots of jobs at the same time. Be absolutely firm in dealing with time allocated for meetings, paperwork, telephone, and visitors. When you keep your time log you will see how much time is wasted. Take control. If you keep a weekly activity schedule you will be able to control the time allocated for your tasks. Review your work environment, layout, IT equipment, etc, and set it up for efficiency. Tidy up your work-space and keep all paperwork filed away unless you're working on it. Keep a clean desk and well-organized systems, but don't be obsessive, or spend all week adjusting the settings of your screen-saver. If you can't stop interruptions then go elsewhere when you nee

schedule for routine work, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data page 30

Table no.30: schedule for routine work. item Statement response frequency %age 30 I am satisfied with my time division. strongly agree 24 22.6 Agree 47 44.3 no opinion 17 16.0 Disagree 4 13.2 Strongly disagree 1 .9 The table illustrates 66.9% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the assertion that " I am satisfied with my time division ", 14.1% strongly disagreed or disagreed and nearly 16.0% holds no opinion.

My routine work is according to my schedule, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data page 29

Table no.29:  My routine work is according to my schedule. item Statement response frequency %age 29 My routine work is according to my schedule. strongly agree 31 29.2 Agree 50 47.2 no opinion 12 11.3 Disagree 10 9.4 Strongly disagree 3 2.8 The table illustrates 76.4% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the assertion that " My routine work is according to my schedule ", 12.2% strongly disagreed or disagreed and nearly 11.3% holds no opinion.

schedule for routine work, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data page 28

Table no.28: schedule for routine work . item Statement Response frequency %age 28 I develop schedule for routine work. strongly agree 33 31.1 Agree 60 56.6 no opinion 4 3.8 Disagree 7 6.6 Strongly disagree 1 .9 The table illustrates 87.7% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the assertion that " I develop schedule for routine work ", 7.5% strongly disagreed or disagreed and nearly 3.8% holds no opinion.

difficult to decide in what order to do things, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data page 27

Table no.27: item Statement response frequency %age 27 I can make a list but I find it difficult to decide in what order to do things. strongly agree 33 31.1 Agree 39 36.8 no opinion 12 11.3 Disagree 17 16.0 Strongly disagree 3 2.8 The table illustrates 67.9% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the assertion that " I can make a list but I find it difficult to decide in what order to do things ", 18.8% strongly disagreed or disagreed and nearly 11.3% holds no opinion.

level of importance, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data page 26

Table no.26: level of importance. item Statement response frequency %age 26 I prepare a list of task according to level of importance. strongly agree 29 27.4 Agree 49 46.2 no opinion 11 10.4 Disagree 16 15.1 Strongly disagree 1 .9 The table illustrates 73.6% of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the assertion that " I prepare a list of task according to level of importance ", 16.0% strongly disagreed or disagreed and nearly 10. 4% holds no opinion.